On May 3, 2019, 17 therapists attended the foundation course for Facial Neuromuscular Retraining (FNMR). There were therapists from the US, Brazil, New Brunswick and Ontario. Most had already seen facial patients prior to the course and were looking to gain more knowledge about their treatment.On May 4 and 5, three therapists carried on to complete the practical component of the course. Beth Kroetsch, a long standing facial therapist in Hamilton, had arranged a good group of patients for us to assess, educate and treat.
The BC Facial Nerve Clinic will officially begin at St. Paul’s hospital on August 26, 2015.
Jackie Diels is the Occupational Therapist at the University of Wisconsin where she has been treating facial patients in the Facial Neuromuscular Retraining Clinic for the past 28 years.
Rankin Physiotherapy was profiled recently in the Globe and Mail.