Shift Concussion Management

Shift Concussion Management

On May 25 to 27, Susan Rankin successfully completed the Shift Concussion Management course.

Post concussion syndrome was presented as a “brain energy” issue. Many of the symptoms post-concussion include dizziness, headache, nausea, fatigue, and fogginess caused by the brain’s inability to produce the energy required to sustain its normal processes.

Rest is important for a few days up to 2 weeks, but interspersed with daily walking, no sleeping in the daytime and eliminating visual tasks. Yes, that means no computers, no phones and no TV.

Music, talking-books and walking outside are all encouraged in the early stages. Then a balance between vestibular, visual-motor, and cervical treatments should begin as the symptoms subside.

In order to achieve good results all areas need to be assessed and treated.

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